PIPA have asked me to send the following email out to BIHA members in mid Jan 2022….
PIPA announcement
RE: Launch of PIPA Training, Examinations & Qualifications Scheme Update
As you may already be aware through previous press releases, we are pleased to officially inform you that PIPA has made significant headway in the development of its inspector training and examination programme that was developed with input from HSE.
As of 24th November 2021, The PIPA inspection scheme started moving away from the existing training and examination format to develop, implement and deliver our own training and examination courses.
Due to this, there is no longer a requirement for PIPA IB’s to be registered with any other examination provider, However, although no longer necessary, PIPA IB’s may wish to continue to be registered with an alternative examination body (such as ADIPS or the RPII) and this does not breach the PIPA Scheme Rules.
The new scheme ensures it’s “PIPA inspectors” and customers receive greater protection and much larger accountability. PIPA, Together with HSE has put together a comprehensive training programme with clear, concise and up to date information that will be available to all new Inspection bodies (IB’s) with clear guidance from the PIPA Leadership Group (PLG).
But what does that mean for hire companies and operators?
In the short term, your annual inspections can still be carried out by your existing PIPA inspection body. All existing inspectors will be able to continue to inspect to BS EN 14960 (parts 1,2 and 3) under their existing qualification until PIPA have assessed and examined all current inspectors for competency in the future.
The Benefits
The new PIPA scheme offers a robust complaints procedure and a set of directives, ensuring all inspectors are following the same guidance, completing reports in the same manner, and interpreting the standard in the same way. This guidance will be freely available to all facets of our industry (including manufacturers) to increase professionalism and most importantly safety.
The new scheme aims to address issues highlighted by HSE, surrounding the quality of reports, consistency of tests, audit trails, and inspector support whilst offering protection & support to its IB’s. It will be supported with a catalogue of up-to-date guidance notes/technical bulletins produced by PIPA and the PLG with HSE guidance. It will help raise standards and service to the hire companies, end users, and the wider industry.
Again, this guidance will be freely available to all manufacturers, hire companies, operators, Inspectors, and end users in order to offer clear and concise guidance to the whole industry.
We aim to iron out any potential issues before manufacturing and offer an independent arbitration service to help settle any disputes which shall be investigated fully by a dedicated PIPA panel.
Expanding beyond BS EN14960 & what the future holds.
The new training scheme will be fully expandable and in the future, set the framework for PIPA and it’s inspectors to progress into testing inflatables falling outside of the scope of BS EN 14960. There will be a tiered qualification system as and when IB’s progress, ensuring maximum consistency.
The PIPA auditing and mentoring programs have highlighted our progress in raising standards within the remit of inspecting and certifying of inflatables. The PIPA CPD training event for inspectors (Continued professional development) demonstrated the benefit of a clear, concise & consistent approach to inspection methods which is something to be expanded upon, with a view to putting an end to mixed industry messages and varied test results.
As of 24th November 2021, The Amusement Device Inspection Procedures Scheme (ADIPS) and the PIPA scheme are officially the ONLY HSE supported registration schemes in the industry which will now include our training and examination scheme.
PIPA is a non-profit organisation whose sole purpose is to ‘raise safety standards in inflatable play’.
The scheme has been registered as a non-profit organisation for the past couple of years and run purely by volunteers and an independently appointed administration company.
PIPA aims to put any profit back into the industry where it needs it and to promote professionalism and safety within our industry.
Can you help make a difference?
We welcome constructive feedback from the industry going forward and we need your help in developing the systems and procedures to keep up with our ever-evolving industry at a much faster pace than we are used to. PIPA is not a closed group, it’s an open forum, and your opinions do matter.
Finally, if anyone in the industry feels they have the skills to help develop the PIPA systems, we would love to welcome you onto the PLG and urge you to contact the administration team on the details mentioned below.
• Email: info@pipa.org.uk
• Telephone: 01684 252910
• Address: 8-9 Acorn Business Centre, Hanley Swan, Worcestershire, WR8 0DN
Regards PIPA & the PLG.